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How To Kill and Get Rid Of Termites
#1 Rated Termite Control Information Site On The Internet!
We've got termite distribution maps, identification guides and step
by step Do-It-Yourself information for all species of termites.

Subterranean Termite Worker
Use Professional Quality Termite Control Products. No License Required*
Recommended Termite Insecticides, Sprays, Baits, Concentrates and Wood Treatment
Guaranteed Lowest Prices Including Shipping - Anywhere On The Internet!
How To Kill And Get Rid Of Termites

Termites are every homeowners nightmare. That's because the proper tools and methods needed to kill subterranean and drywood termites are a closely guarded secret by pest control companies. Since 1997, ePestSupply has been The Internet Resource for the latest in termite control products that most termite control companies such as Terminix, Orkin, HomeTeam, Arrow and others use. ePestSupply makes sense of all the different methods and techniques and offers you a way to do your own termite control and save money.
Identify Your Subterranean, Drywood or Dampwood Termites
90% of termite populations in the USA are those of subterranean termites. 10% are those of drywood termites. You need to know the difference before you begin treatment. If you live in a coastal area where high humidity exists, then you could be dealing with drywood or dampwood termites. Subterranean termites travel in mud shelter tubes. Drywood termites leave small holes and fecel pellets called frass. We have termite distribution maps and step by step guides on how to get rid of kill all species of subterranean, Drywood, Formosan, Dampwood and Powder Post Termites.
2 - Kill Existing Termite Infestations Using Termite Insecticides And Foams
In order to stop termite infestations and to prevent more damage from occurring, chemicals have to be applied to kill termites. Termidor SC is the product of choice for treating soil, Sentricon is the choice for termite baiting, and Bora Care is the product of choice for treating wood. Most treatments are made to areas where termites are active and a few feet on each side of the infestation. Termidor SC and Sentricon are the #1 products used throughout the WORLD and recommended by most Universities for subterranean termites.
- Click Here For More Information on Spot Treatments
- Click Here For More Information on The Solo Wall Foamer
- Click Here For More Information on Premise Insecticide
- Click Here For More Information on Termidor Insecticide
- Click Here For More Information on Taurus SC Insecticide
- Click Here For More Information on Bora Care Wood Treatment
3 - Termite Bait The Subterranean Termite Colony For Long Term Control
Termite baiting became very popular in the early 2000's. Then it faded away with the introduction of Termidor. Now, with countries all over the World beginning to question the safety of Termidor, Termite Baiting and Termite Monitoring are roaring back into the mainstream!. We carry Hex Pro (Sentricon) This termite bait system is proven to kill termites in Laboratory and University tests, and is used by professional pest control companies all over the World !
Professional termite baiting services are an expensive. Why not do it yourself ? You can achieve the same results as a professional by using the same products! Do it yourself and save thousands of dollars!